One area of study or interest for them is climate change. However, for islanders, it’s not abstract or theoretical. Our destiny literally decides whether we drown or float.
People who live in places surrounded by water don’t have the luxury of debating whether the climate crisis is urgent or not.
Why we need to protect ocean communities
These ocean towns are not the only places where the ocean is important. Whether they are aware of it or not, everyone lives in a community around the water. The ocean is a key element of the water cycle and drives both the day-to-day weather and climate around the world. It is a major source of blue food, or food from aquatic sources, which is poised to revolutionize global food systems.

It provides half of the oxygen on Earth and is an unparalleled carbon sink, absorbing approximately 25% of anthropogenic carbon.
Human activity is raising sea levels, warming the ocean, and acidifying it from the Pacific to the Arctic. As a result of the Ocean 100 study, global ocean businesses have responded to a call from scientists to collaborate and drive action for ocean health.
It is possible to track changes in the distribution of marine life by looking at the evolution of ocean temperature. For instance, studies indicate that fish and invertebrates are moving poleward as the oceans warm.
The impacts of climate change to marine ecosystems will be less certain than previously thought. When the vertical dimension is taken into account, the image of how maritime thermal ranges will alter becomes much more complex.
Ocean depths must therefore be taken into account when researching how global warming is affecting marine life; this is a task that must be done by everyone, not just islanders.
Original Source: World Economic Forum
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Universal Group takes great efforts in protecting the environment and ocean communities. Island Power Solutions is our specialized company for island communities, with the goal to find the best alternatives to clean energy production. IPS aims to replace the unsustainable fossil fuel energy, which is both expensive and polluting to the environment leading islands to reach 100% clean power production.